VLADIMIR ŽUTI - FiberWeek consultant

VLADIMIR ŽUTI - FiberWeek consultant


Vladimir Žuti, dipl. ing. el., ima preko 30 godina iskustva u elektroničkim komunikacijama. Diplomirao je na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva (FER) Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Njegovo prethodno radno iskustvo uključuje poslove rukovođenja montažom uređaja, izgradnjom mreža, razvojem, planiranjem i investicijama u pokretnim i nepokretnim komunikacijama u javnom poduzeću Hrvatska pošta i telekomunikacije (HPT) i tvrtki Hrvatske Telekomunikacije (HT) te direktora izgradnje u tvrtki Metronet Telekomunikacije. Od 2006. g. se u Hrvatskoj regulatornoj agenciji za mrežne djelatnosti (HAKOM) bavio regulativom u području elektroničkih komunikacija, posebice u području prostornog planiranja, izgradnje, promicanja inovacija i načina učinkovitih ulaganja. Specijalnosti su mu svjetlovodne tehnologije, primjena načela planiranja i gradnje integrirane infrastrukture te određivanje tehno-ekonomskih poslovnih modela učinkovitih ulaganja koja uključuju i partnerstvo ulaganja lokalne i regionalne samouprave. Autor je više stručnih radova iz navedenih područja. Trenutno je u mirovini, ali je i dalje aktivan na poslovima ekspertnog savjetovanja i kao član ispitnog povjerenstva za polaganje stručnog ispita za strukovno područje elektrotehnike.

Predavači:   Vladimir Žuti

Predavanje: Novije izmjene i dopune propisa povezanih s gradnjom svjetlovodnih mreža

Sažetak:      Izlaganje daje pregled propisa čijom se primjenom mogu ostvariti uštede pri gradnji svjetlovodnih mreža i postići njihova učinkovitija izgradnja. Boljim poznavanjem propisa koji se odnose na prostorno uređenje, graditeljstvo i elektroničke komunikacije lakše je izbjeći moguće prepreke pri ulaganjima u svjetlovodne mreže. Tijekom posljednjih par godina doneseno je nekoliko novih ili dopunjenih relevantnih propisa čije odredbe bitno pridonose lakšoj i učinkovitijoj gradnji elektroničkih komunikacijskih mreža. S ciljem što bolje informiranosti investitora i sudionika izgradnje elektroničkih komunikacijskih mreža, ovo izlaganje usredotočuje se upravo na te propise.

Izlaganje će biti na hrvatskom jeziku!


Britain 2 512

Vladimir Žuti, B. Sc. in Electrical Engineering, has more than 30 years of experience in electronic communications. He graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb. His previous work experience includes managing of activities concerning equipment assembly, developing, planning and building of and investing in mobile and fixed communication networks in companies Croatian Post and Telecommunications (HPT) and Croatian Telecom (HT), as well as the position of Director of Network Construction in Metronet Telecommunications. Since 2006, he has been dealing with regulations in the field of electronic communications, especially in the field of physical planning, construction, promotion of innovations and methods of effective investments, in the Croatian Regulatory Agency for Network Industries (HAKOM). His specialties are fibre optic technologies, the application of the principles of planning and construction of integrated infrastructure, and the determination of techno-economic business models for effective investments that also include local and regional self-government investment partnerships. He authored several technical papers in these areas. He is currently retired, but is still active in expert consulting and as a member of the examination committee for taking the professional examination for the professional field of electrical engineering.

Lecturers: Vladimir Žuti

Lecture:     Recent amendments to the regulations related to the building of optical fiber networks

Abstract:   The presentation gives an overview of regulations, the application of which can realize savings in the building of optical fiber networks and achieve their more efficient construction. Better knowledge of the regulations related to physical planning, building and electronic communications makes it easier to avoid possible obstacles when investing in fibre optic networks. During the past few years, several new or amended relevant regulations have been adopted, the provisions of which significantly contribute to the easier and more efficient building of electronic communication networks. In order to better inform investors and participants in the construction of electronic communication networks, this presentation focuses precisely on these regulations.

Presentation will be in Croatian!